Monday, April 16, 2007

Gun bill gets shot down by panel (VA Tech - On Drudge)

Warning-don't read this link (below) unless you are prepared to be sickened and revolted  at the self-righteous  proclamation of gun-loving nuts claiming that if students at VTU had been allowed to carry guns, that today's incident would have been limited  in scope. What part of "how did the shooter get his guns?" don't they get?  Are these idiots serious? They really think more guns are the answer? Sickening. With any luck, the tragedy at VTU will finally spur the VA legislature to enact some serious gun control laws. Presently, VA has some of the most lenient laws on the books. VA owes it to the memory of all those slaughtered today in Blacksburg to finally enact some gun control laws.


Gun bill gets shot down by panel (VA Tech - On Drudge)

Link to Gun bill gets shot down by panel (VA Tech - On Drudge)


David in DC said...


Guns don't kill people, idiots with guns kill people. And there are WAY too many idiots.

What part of the "A well-regulated militia..." part of the 2nd amendment do these tools not get.

If bears had opposable thumbs, I'd be willing to go along this rule:

Along with the right to bear arms comes a concommitant right to arm bears.

Of course I'm also the sort of guy who thinks freedom of speech means the right to shout movie in a crowded firehouse.