Sunday, December 31, 2006

Thanks, Gene Weingarten and Christine Lavin Shout Out!

I've always enjoyed Gene Weingarten's "Below the Beltway" column in the Washington Post.

In today's (Dec. 31, 2006) column Gene gives some female friends the opportunity to take on Christopher Hitchens for his essay in Vanity Fair claiming that women aren't funny. I was thrilled to see a quote from one of my favorite contemporary female folk artists, Christine Lavin, who refers to her song "What Was I Thinking?" even adding a new verse for Christopher Hitchens. I was first introduced to Christine and her music during my decade spent in Fargo, North Dakota, where, fortunately, Minnesota Public Radio could be heard on the air on KCCD/KCCM. Her music was often featured on my favorite radio show, period - MPR's ever popular Morning Show. The D.C. Metro area is a great place to live, but whereas in Minnesota/North Dakota the Public Radio networks decided to keep BOTH classical and news programming on the air (by creating dual stations) here we've been betrayed by WETA who dropped all classical programming in February 2005 in favor of all news (although it now may be coming back.) I dropped my WETA membership in protest. Might have to rethink that...

Migdalor Guy